Maybe a decade overdue, but this website is now responsive to screen width. On smaller widths the links now move to the top of the screen to leave the full width for the text. This should work well for a mobile experience without cutting off any functionality since the same elements are all there, just in a more convenient place. (For any visitors, hit up the main homepage to see the design instead of the wordpress… View More
Post 11 to 16 of 16
Another day, another website update, this time with… View More
After about a year of the same design, it was time for a quick fall refresh. I also updated a few pages to correct links that had decayed, added a quick copy of this new design to the web design page, and refreshed the side… View More
Over the last week, I've been doing significant updates under the hood of the site. Ideally, the page looks very similar to how it looked before, but it's now connected to ProcessWire on the back to make it easier to update. One visible update is the complete overhaul of the Design page to include examples of marketing materials that I've created. Check it out for all your beautiful international photo and… View More
Also, I'm in the process of updating features of the site to use options like a new RSS feed that draws on ProcessWire to generate. I'll update the public link and what feeds into Micro.Blog once I've finished… View More
After a bit more work, the blog page is switched over to the version with a ProcessWire backend. It's been an interesting challenge to hook the pieces up, and has included learning some common CSS tricks that aren't difficult but that I've just never motivated myself to learn. For example, styling an unordered list to create a navigation menu, code that was included in the page numbering for ProcessBlog. Always nice to learn something… View More